American University in Dubai
Department of Architecture
The Mission of the Bachelor of Architecture program is to prepare highly qualified graduates for employment in the building industry. Students will be educated in the fundamental skills and knowledge of architecture, while integrating history and theory, as well as technological, digital, artisitic, socio-cultural, legal, and financial dimensions. The program will promote professional ethical values, cultural diversity, and contextual and environmental awareness.


of Focus



Architecture centers on the artistic design and construction of all genres of edifices intended for human use.
AUD’s architecture students are expected to carry out their creations based on a clear understanding of both the physics and characteristics of the building materials as well as the aesthetics of the structures.
School Philosophy
The Philosophy of The American University in Dubai is derived directly from its Mission. In its essence, AUD is a learning community. This is most noticeably manifested in the aspirations of two principal constituencies – students and faculty. Students seek to learn through the acquisition of knowledge and skill. Exposure to human, cultural and experiential diversity plays a crucial role in this acquisition process. Many avenues are open to faculty for learning, including their own scholarly and creative activity. Contributing to knowledge via this activity helps faculty fulfill their most important commitment; that is, imparting knowledge to the students they teach and mentor. It is expected that as learners committed to continuous improvement, students – following graduation – will be successful in fulfilling their personal and professional objectives; and that faculty – through the on-going processes of study and knowledge advancement – will contribute to and develop expertise in their disciplines and become ever more effective teachers. All strive to become better thinkers. The university is confident that the appropriate exercise of its Philosophy, reflecting an innate drive towards academic excellence, constitutes its most significant contribution to the shaping of a better world.
The Bachelor of Architecture degree at AUD is a five-year program consisting of 166 hours of required credit. It has been designed to meet the standards of the National Architecture Accrediting Board (NAAB) the sole agency authorized to accredit US professional degree programs in architecture.
1. Design/Build
2. Digital Fabrication & Technology
3. Building Technologies
4. Materials and Construction
5. History | Theory | Criticism
6. Urbanism
7. Digital Design & Visualization
8. Sustainability & High Performance Build Enviroments
9. Cross-Cultural Contexts > Human Experiences
Transfer Policies
In addition to the undergraduate admissions requirements, students transferring into AUD should submit:
– Official/attested transcripts reflecting courses for which transfer credit is sought (Transfer Students must be in good academic standing [i.e., with a minimum 2.0 CGPA on a 4.0 scale or equivalent] at the institution from which they are transferring. AUD may require higher than this 2.0 minimum CGPA. As this depends on the university from which the student is transferring, all transfer applicants should consult the AUD Admissions Office for the requirement pertinent to his or her institution).
– Students transferring from American accredited universities are required to submit an official sealed transcript issued at a recent date to the time of application. e-transcripts should be sent directly to the Admissions Office.
– Students transferring from non-American accredited universities should submit an official transcript bearing the original stamp from the Ministry of Education in the country of study.
– Confirmation of university records. Form should be e-mailed directly from the student’s university to the Admissions Office at AUD.
– Syllabi for all courses for which transfer credit is sought (Students should be aware that they will be held responsible for enrolling in any course at AUD prior to receipt of required course descriptions.). Separately, requests for transfer credit that accompany late applications (i.e., those received two months or less prior to the original date of entry) may not be processed prior to the beginning of the semester of first enrollment. Transfer credit is accepted by AUD solely at its discretion. In the case of courses taken five (5) or more years prior to enrollment, the “age” of such courses may be reason for refusal of transfer credit, contingent upon the assessment of the Dean, Associate Dean or Chair of the academic unit for which transfer credit is sought. In order for AUD to consider transferring credit from an institution, this institution must be licensed or officially recognized by the Department/Ministry of Education of the country where it is in operation
For Graduate Students
Requests for the transfer of graduate credits completed at other accredited institutions of higher learning towards completion of a graduate program at AUD will be evaluated by the appropriate Admissions Committee on a case-by-case basis. The number of graduate courses transferred or accepted for credit towards a graduate degree at AUD may not exceed two (2) courses or six (6) credit hours.
As a rule, such transfer or acceptance will be highly restricted and may only be granted in cases where there is ample evidence that the graduate coursework in question is at least equal in scope and quality to comparable graduate coursework at AUD. In assessing such evidence, the appropriate Admissions Committee will make use of a wide variety of instruments and information sources, such as recognized guides to post-secondary institutions and programs, the other institutions’ catalogs and/or web sites, course syllabi, and letters from instructors at those other institutions describing in detail the applicant’s work in these courses.