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  • Address
    Campus Box 7701 Raleigh, NC 27695 United States
  • Architecture Degrees

    Professional Architecture Degrees (Undergraduate)

    Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)

    Other Related Disciplines (Undergraduate)

    B. Environmental Design in Architecture
    B.F.A. Interior Design

    Professional Architecture Degrees (Graduate)

    Master of Architecture (M.Arch.)
  • Tuition

    Undergrad Tuition – In State

    $6,500 - $11,500

    Undergrad Tuition – Out of State

    $26,500 - $31,500

    Graduate Tuition – In State

    $11,500 - $16,500

    Graduate Tuition – Out of State

    $26,500 - $31,500
  • Full-Time Students

North Carolina State University

School of Architecture

The School of Architecture at NC State provides two means of achieving a professional degree in architecture: (1) We offer the Bachelor of Environmental Design in Architecture (BED-A), followed by an independent fifth year Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) degree. The fifth year B.Arch is open to applicants from any four year pre-architecture degree (BED, BS Arch, BA Arch, etc). (2) We offer a 2-year first-professional Master of Architecture (M.Arch) degree for graduates from pre-architecture porgrams; a 3.5-year first professional M.Arch for students from any undergraduate background; and a 1-year post-professional M.Arch for students with a B.Arch or M.Arch who wish to develop a specialization and undertake research. The College of Design at NC State also offers a Ph.D in Design.

of Focus

NC State University — the largest in the sixteen campus University of North Carolina System — is a Research 1 university with the depth and breadth of resources to provide an intellectually stimulating setting for professional education in architecture. It has an enrollment of 32,000 students representing every state in the United States and 90 foreign countries. Raleigh is the state capital and the cultural focus of the "Research Triangle" region — a prosperous metropolitan area of over one million inhabitants.

School Philosophy

The School of Architecture is the largest component of a dynamic, multidisciplinary College of Design, which also contains undergraduate and graduate programs in landscape architecture, industrial design, graphic design, art and design, and a Ph.D. in Design. With a permanent faculty of 14 and a large cadre of adjunct faculty, the School is richly endowed with teachers and scholars dedicated to the advancement of architecture as a discipline and to the betterment of society. By instilling in our students experimental and ethical attitudes in their approach to design, we seek to make architecture a supple instrument for enhancing the physical environment.

Undergraduate Program

The Bachelor of Environmental Design in Architecture program gives priority to the education of the individual student. Students are challenged to employ their intelligence, imagination, and sense of responsibility in an intense pursuit of knowledge and in the development of creative skills. The discipline of architecture offers the primary framework for this process of intellectual and creative development, but the curriculum recognizes the critical contributions that the larger university environment, as well as the culture of the state, nation and world, make to the student's growth as an individual and citizen.

The BEDA program comprising eight semesters of design studio, professional core courses, and a broad general education component serves as the foundation for advanced study in professional degree programs. The School of Architecture offers two accredited degree programs: a one-year Bachelor of Architecture and the two-year Master of Architecture, both of which satisfy the educational requirements for licensure.

The Bachelor of Architecture curriculum is a 30- credit hour program which focuses on preparation for architectural practice through an intensive design studio program supported by required and elective courses in history, theory, building systems, and legal and practice processes. Applications to the B.Arch. program are invited from graduates of pre-professional programs in architecture.

Graduate Program

The Master of Architecture prepares students to assume responsible roles in a variety of settings including private and public practice, education, and research. The focus of graduate study is the design studio, where students explore and evaluate design principles through direct experience with real and hypothetical projects. Studios are supplemented by a wide variety of architecture elective courses in history, theory, technology, and methodology. The primary goal of the program is to develop and nurture individuals who seek excellence in their professional, intellectual, and creative pursuits.

The School offers three tracks to the M. Arch degree: Track 1 is a two-year program for holders of the Bachelor of Environmental Design in Architecture or an equivalent pre-professional degree; Track 2 is a threesemester second professional degree for holders of the five-year Bachelor of Architecture degree; and Track 3 is a three-and-one-half-year program for students with degrees in fields other than architecture.

Three curricular choices are available to Track 1 and Track 3 students in their final two years of graduate study. The first is the Studio Option, the second is the Independent Final Project Option, and third is the Research Project Option for students contemplating doctoral study.

The PhD in Design program is aimed at preparing graduate students for careers in research, scholarship, public service and teaching. It provides opportunities to investigate important research issues related to architecture, graphic design, industrial design, and landscape architecture. It has links to academic resources in the university and neighboring institutions at UNCChapel Hill and Duke University.

1. Building Technologies
2. Community Design
3. Design/Build
4. Digital Fabrication & Technology
5. History | Theory | Criticism
6. Urbanism

Study Abroad
Large-format Printer
Laser Cutter
3D Printing
CNC Milling
Fabrication Lab

Transfer Policies

TThe path to NC State is not always direct. About 20 percent of our students start their college career at another college or university.

For more information, click here: (https://admissions.ncsu.edu/apply/transfers/)

Contact North Carolina State University

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