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  • Address
    9237 Calle Marina Ponce, PR 00730 United States
  • Architecture Degrees

    Professional Architecture Degrees (Undergraduate)

    Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch.)
  • Tuition

    Undergrad Tuition – In State

    $1,500 - $6,500

    Undergrad Tuition – Out of State

    $1,500 - $6,500

Pontifical Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico

School of Architecture

of Focus

The School of Architecture at the Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico aims to forge a new Strategic Architect within an innovative ecology of experimentation and expansive knowledge. Through an interdisciplinary curricular structure, a unique digital platform complementary to that structure, and a compromise to impact society constructively through a multisectoral institutional interaction, the School of Architecture exposes its community, students, professors and visitors to creative processes that transcend the conventionalist attitude and the obsolete state of the proposals of the establishment.

School Philosophy

Architecture, within the realm of professional practice, is regarded as a catalyst of vanguard initiatives within the use and development of social environments, thus assuming responsibility for the implications of proposed interventions within our communities. The School of Architecture envisions future professionals that are able to engage these scenarios with leadership and social responsibility, guided by an ethic that leads constructively to an intellectual genetic defined by ten primary strands. Respect äóñ The valuation of biodiversity defined as territory and culture. Respect towards the Public (property and environment), Urban, Architectural and Landscape Patrimony. Each member of our community operates in respect towards the person, property and resources of our School and Environment. Dignity towards Work äóñ The valuation of the person, the work and the professional, academic and research resources for the accumulation of knowledge to better the quality of our spaces and environments. Dignity towards the Work that all members of our community for the acquisition of personal discipline and collective execution of excellence in the formation of a body of new knowledge that contributes to our city and region as a healthy ecosystem for the human and citizen exchange engaged and responsible with Puerto Rico's society. Prudence äóñ The valuation of a measured analysis of the actions, investments, interventions, time and resource management is essential in order for the energy invested by each member of our community to be of its most output. Guided by a vision of sustainability and responsible for the fair management of economic and physical resources, each member of our community is wise in their action s not limiting the capacities and responsibilities of other individuals, of the community and themselves. Solidarity äóñ The valuation and consideration of the needs and aspirations of each individual of our community to improve through education its quality of life. Solidarity that is materialized in new cooperative ways of teaching, learning, research and development of knowledge. Leadership and Social Commitment äóñ The valuation of Leadership and Social Commitment with the Cultural construction and contribution of Architecture, the strengthening of the spirit and the cultivation of imagination to promote innovation and luckily making feasible influencing our architectural and urban culture on a global level. Equanimity äóñ The valuation of equanimity in exercising critical judgment in the evaluation of the fellow's performance to promote the paused and profound discussion of ideas in the search of new knowledge on urbanism, architecture and landscape architecture. Tolerance towards Differences and Participatory Governing äóñ The valuation and respect towards the fellow, culture and the exchange processes that enrich the social and intellectual capital of our community. The value towards locality should not be quarreled with the capacity of aperture and exchange of experiences, tendencies and efforts from other academics and professionals in Puerto Rico and the World. The valuation of the participation in the democratic exercise of growing a School through the strengthening of student leadership, faculty development and administrative capacitating. Promotion and Dissemination äóñ The valuation of disseminating, promoting and spreading the findings and research contributions of our School. From the individual work, the collective and multi-sectoral work through the traditional and nontraditional communication mediums to educate about the city and the social and cultural attributes of architecture and urbanism. Stimulate the Creative Process and the Cultivation of Imagination äóñ The valuation of the education and creative process as open, interdisciplinary and multi-sectoral, respecting the intellectual and creative property of fellows in the search for knowledge, the cultivation of imagination and the application of ideas to the benefit of the city. Cooperation and Collaboration äóñ The valuation of the disciplinary contribution as a social exercise of cooperation and collaboration in which the objectives are reached through the synchronizing of the strengths and improvement of the individual capacities in the execution of projects and Research.

1. Design/Build

Cross-disciplinary experience
Laser Cutter
3D Printing
CNC Milling
Fabrication Lab

Transfer Policies

Any student requesting transfer from another university center must file their application for admission accompanied by:

– Two official copies of your university academic record
– Copy of Social Security card

Contact Pontifical Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico

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