Prairie View A&M University
School of Architecture
The School of Architecture, with programs in Architecture, Construction Science and Community Development and Digital Media Art, is dedicated to accomplishing our mission by preparing graduates for leadership roles in rebuilding America's cities and improving the quality of the built environment. By offering a diverse curriculum led by an accomplished faculty in a comprehensive studio and classroom environment, the School of Architecture programs will educate students for significant roles as practitioners, developers and leaders in architecture, construction, community planning and community development. Students in the programs of the School will be challenged to develop their abilities in problem solving,creative thinking and informed decision making as a focus of their professional education. They will accomplish this in a nurturing and student centered environment that fosters personal development and professional excellence.
Prairie View A&M University is the second-oldest public university in the State of Texas, located in a rural, small-town setting, with many new dormitories and educational buildings including a new student center, and a design winning school of architecture facility. The campus of over 8,600 students is just 40 miles northwest of Downtown Houston, a living museum of modern architecture and a source of all the amenities one might require. This location offers an opportunity for students to enrich their learning experience through access to the greater architectural and construction community of the region with its many employment opportunities in the field.
School Philosophy
The School of Architecture is committed to providing a well-protected, student-centered, technology-intensive learning environment that will lead to graduating well-prepared students who will continue in the profession and become licensed architects. The school is dedicated to preparing students to play a leadership role in changing America's built environment for future generation. This is done through technology-assisted learning opportunities, giving a comprehensive view of problems facing future architect, supported by a well-rounded faculty, focused on the technical, environmental, and human aspects of settlement.

The Bachelor of Science degree (pre-professional program) provides the common ground for studies in architecture. It is intended to cover the basic content for the preparation of an educated practitioner and to lead to professional studies at the graduate level. The Bachelor of Science in Architecture degree has two tracks; Program A, the Professional Track, leads directly to the Master of Architecture professional degree. Program B, the Non-professional Track, provides a basic education in architecture with the opportunity to study a broad range of elective opportunities. Both tracks consist of 132 credit hours of undergraduate courses. MASTER OF ARCHITECTURE PROFESSIONAL PROGRAM - The Master of Architecture, as a professional program, prepares students for roles in the profession of architecture by building on the content of the pre-professional program through intensive and focused advanced studies in the field of architecture practice and design. A major objective of this program is preparing graduates to obtain their professional architecture registration. The Master of Architecture degree program, consisting of an undergraduate curriculum of 132 credit hours and a graduate curriculum of 36 credit hours, is the accredited program at Prairie View A&M University.

of Focus
1. Art & Design
2. Building Technologies
3. Community Design
4. Digital Fabrication & Technology
5. Digital Design & Visualization
6. Materials and Construction



Transfer Policies
A student transferring from community/junior college or another university with 15 transferable semester credit hours will be admitted with a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better from the last institution attended and official transcripts of all work completed at other institutions. Transfer applicants who have earned fewer than 15 semester credit hours in a calendar year must satisfy the regular requirements for freshman admission and have college GPA of 2.0 or better (See Freshman Admission). A student on academic probation or suspension from another institution is not in good academic standing and is not eligible for admission.
– Completed State of Texas Common Application
– Non-refundable $40.00 Application Fee
– Official Transcript’s from all Institutions Attended
– Required 2.00 Cumulative GPA on a 4.00 scale from the last school attended
– 15 transferable college-level credits, cumulatively received from all schools attended
For additional information please see How to Apply for Admissions Transfer section: (