• Apply Now
  • Address
    2624 Clifton Court Cincinnati, OH 45221-0016 United States
  • Architecture Degrees

    Pre-professional Architecture Degrees (Undergraduate)

    B.S. Architecture

    Other Related Disciplines (Undergraduate)

    B.S. Interior Design

    Professional Architecture Degrees (Graduate)

    Master of Architecture (M.Arch.)

    Post-professional or non-professional Architecture (Graduate)

    Ph.D. Architecture
    M.S. Architecture

    Other Related Disciplines (Graduate)

    M. Interior Design
  • Tuition

    Undergrad Tuition – In State

    $11,500 - $16,500

    Undergrad Tuition – Out of State

    $16,500 - $21,500

    Graduate Tuition – In State

    $16,500 - $21,500

    Graduate Tuition – Out of State

    $31,500 - $36,500
  • Full-Time Students

University of Cincinnati

The School of Architecture & Interior Design

The University of Cincinnati's Master of Architecture (M.Arch) program is committed to the design and production of buildings that are useful, durable, meaningful, inspiring, and responsibly engaged with their physical, cultural, and social contexts.


The university is an R1 research institution with over 50,000 students in one of the country's major cities, known for its major art institutions. The School of Architecture and Interior Design is part of the college of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP)

School Philosophy

The School is defined by it commitment to the practical and theoretical concerns of architecture and is known for it over one hundred year old coop program. Students are placed in paid internships, rotating between university education and practical training.


Undergrads are trained to enter professional offices starting after their third semester. Grad students also do professional coops and are trained towards licensure, culminating their education with an independent thesis and research project. Doctoral students pursue dissertation topics on the theory of architecture as it pertains to practice.

of Focus

1. Art & Design
2. Digital Fabrication & Technology
3. Materials and Construction
4. Historic Preservation 5. History | Theory | Criticism
6. Urbanism
7. Interior Design
8. Sustainability & High-Performance Built Environments

Co-Op / Work Placement
Cross-disciplinary experience
Teaching / Research assistantships
Summer Program
Study Abroad
Large-format Printer
Laser Cutter
3D Printing
CNC Milling
Fabrication Lab
Robotics Lab

Transfer Policies

Undergraduate transfers are accepted.

Contact University of Cincinnati

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