University of Waterloo
School of Architecture
The School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo is a nationally and internationally respected design school. It attracts top students and is dedicated to educating the best architects in the world. Working with colleagues in related professions, our professors and students have made Waterloo Architecture a dynamic centre of research and teaching in construction, development, built heritage, "green" architecture, visualization, prototyping, and computer assisted design.


of Focus



The School is located in a historic building - the former Riverside Silk Mill. Situated along the banks of the Grand River in Cambridge, the former industrial building provides wonderful spaces for design studios, labs, and classrooms. It also includes a design library, exhibition galleries, public auditorium, and cafe.
As part of the historic downtown core of Galt, set within the larger City of Cambridge, the location is extremely attractive for a school of architecture. The urban landscape in the surrounding community is one of the most beautiful in Ontario. There are several heritage buildings nearby and the Grand River is a powerful presence. A designated Heritage River, the Grand River is a principal element in a diverse system of natural spaces within the City of Cambridge.
Students are immersed in the urban setting by living in the community surrounding the School. Architecture students often find that the structured nature of residence doesn't suit their schedule in the program and they prefer the flexibility of living off campus. Students have access to recreational facilities in Cambridge as well as to services on the main University of Waterloo campus.
School Philosophy
The Waterloo School of Architecture is a professional school dedicated to providing the best possible preparation for a career in architecture. But any simple axiality implied by this statement must quickly be qualified, for while the school is profoundly linked to practice by its aims and by virtue of the co-op program, it is also firmly committed to the proposition that architecture is a cultural praxis, and thus, that in the education of the architect, there must be continuous components of humanistic study, critical discourse, environmental theory, and open and speculative design activity. Crucial as well is wide experience in both traditional and contemporary techniques of visualization. Waterloo would contend that these tools are the most useful in confronting the realities of diminished opportunity in traditional practice and in bringing the skills of the architect to bear in a world much in need of design, but virtually innocent of its value.
Undergraduate Program - The Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree provides the foundation of skills, knowledge, judgment and practical experience required for subsequent professional studies in architecture. Though the Academic Program is pre-professional, it is fully dedicated to imparting to students the culture and practice of design. Design is a synthetic activity. To do it well and serve the needs of the individual and society requires an extremely broad education. Students acquire an understanding of the workings of society and culture, of the principles of physics, of materials and techniques of construction, of the human interaction with the natural and built environment, of historical process, of critical thought and of the diverse forms of creative expression. Courses in the Honours Bachelor of Architectural Studies degree, are arranged in five main thematic groups: Design; Visual and Digital Media; Cultural History and Theory; Technology and Environment; Urbanism and Landscape.
Graduate Program - The Master of Architecture is a two-year degree program. The program accepts applicants from pre-professional architecture programs, in which students are expected to have completed the majority of the courses required for professional
accreditation. Students holding a pre-professional Bachelor of Architectural Studies (BAS) from the University of Waterloo (or an equivalent degree to the BAS from another university) can complete the Master of Architecture degree requirements in a minimum of three terms and up to a maximum of six terms. All other students with a pre-professional Architecture degree admitted into the Master of Architecture will be required to complete two terms of transitional coursework in preparation for the thesis year and are expected to complete degree requirements in a maximum of six academic terms. The University of Waterloo also offers a unique research-based Masters and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) collaborative program in Water.
1. Art & Design
2. Digital Fabrication & Technology
3. Community Design
4. History | Theory | Criticism
5. Industry Collaborations
6. Design/Build
7. Digital Design & Visualization
8. Sustainability & High-Performance Built Environments
Transfer Policies
The decision to transfer schools can be a big one. As you consider the next steps in your educational journey, one thing is for certain. At Waterloo, we’re here to help. Visit here for more information: (