What to Look for When Selecting a School
Because architecture programs vary so significantly, students should look carefully at their options. Some factors to consider when selecting a school include:
- accreditation status of the program
- program type and length of study (see What to Know: Degree Paths)
- institutional context
- large university, small private college, religious affiliation, public, etc.
- program philosophy, emphasis, and curriculum
- tuition costs and fees
- financial issues
- work-study opportunities
- living costs
- teaching assistantships
- scholarships, loans, grants
- internship opportunities or requirements
- off–campus and study abroad opportunities
- community service opportunities
- other special curriculum opportunities such as double majors or interdisciplinary connections
- facilities and resources, related to studio space, library, and digital support
- long term career options
You should match all of these considerations with your personal circumstances and goals.