Architecture Fellowships


Architecture Fellowships

(via AD)

Are you looking for funding opportunities for the summer or post-graduation? We have compiled a list of architecture fellowships that you can explore.

Hart Howerton Travel Fellowship

Since 2006, the full-service architecture firm Hart Howerton has hosted summer fellowships for students in both its New York and San Francisco offices. The program includes three to five weeks working with a team in the office, followed by three weeks of independent research abroad, and a final presentation upon their return. Benefits include $5,000 for travel, $2,500 for housing, and a $10,000 salary. Past fellows have explored everything from industrial waterfront redevelopment throughout the United States to healthcare design in Sub-Saharan Africa. The latter was 2007 fellow Michael Murphy, who went on to build both a hospital in Rwanda and the recently-opened Memorial to Peace and Justice with his firm, MASS Design. Hart Howerton chairman David Howerton looks at the program as a source of inspiration. “Our fellows have posed important questions that will affect the way we shape our environments, and we’re excited to be a part of advancing their research,” he says.

Tradewell Fellowship

National architecture firm EYP offers both recent graduates and career-change candidates one year of paid, full-time employment with benefits at its Houston office, with a specialized focus on healing environments in healthcare design and EYP’s mode of collaborative design. Fellows work directly with senior medical planners, including a mentor who was previously a fellow, and attend a national healthcare conference, all of which culminates in a body of research for presentation or publication. Like official employees, fellows receive paid time off, paid holidays, and 401k contributions. As a benefit to the firm, the program grooms future employees; about half of the fellows have gone on to staff positions at EYP.

EDR Research Fellowship

New Orleans-based Eskew+Dumez+Ripple is interested not only in architecture, but in the exploration of issues that relate to how humans experience it. Each year, its year-long fellowship provides one student or recent graduate a studio-based research environment geared toward a specific theme. In 2018, the focus was on vision and hearing, with topics of inquiry including spatial acoustics and light on human emotion and wellness. Surrounded by design professionals with active projects, fellows have the opportunity to gain feedback on their research and hands-on office experience. Thanks to the interdisciplinary nature of the fellowship, previous fellows have gone on to pursue a variety of professions both within and outside the field, from landscape architecture to water management.

SOM Prize and Travel Fellowship

The mega-multinational firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill also runs the lesser-known SOM Foundation, which since 1981 has provided generous funding for travel and research for undergraduate and graduate students of various disciplines. The prizes vary, from the $5,000 China Prize fellowship specifically for students of architecture and urban design enrolled in a Chinese university to the $20,000 fellowship for aspiring structural engineers to the grand $50,000 SOM Prize, open to students and recent graduates of architectural and other design disciplines. Candidates submit their portfolios and proposals to a formidable jury of top practitioners and critics. Past fellows have studied urban density in India and open-plan workplaces across three continents, and after traveling the world, have ended up all over the map. While SOM does not recruit from the foundation’s program, previous fellows have gone on to positions at prestigious firms or as the founder of their own, while others have landed on the faculties of MIT and RISD.

Cover Image: “The form of the building is derived using the geometrical theory of Vassily Kandinsky.” Pavlo Kryvozub Portfolio, 2012 SOM Prize

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