
Looking for resources for architecture school? We have a great one for you! Archisoup is an online learning resource and platform for architecture students, young architects, and enthusiasts. They provide the next generation of architects with opportunities to learn and evolve through shared expert knowledge, tutorials, guides, and studio resources.



Archisoup is an online learning resource and platform for architecture students, young architects, and enthusiasts. We provide the next generation of architects with opportunities to learn and evolve through shared expert knowledge, tutorials, guides, and studio resources. By bridging the gap between architecture school and the licensed profession, we aim to help students understand, and define their own paths in architecture, starting from high school to professional work. Having been through and completed what can be a very lengthy, and often overwhelming learning process ourselves, we are able to provide aspiring architects with the opportunity to learn and evolve, through our own past and current knowledge and experiences.

We provide support to prospective undergraduates, current students, postgraduates and licensed architects, helping them to navigate and develop their unique skill sets and career paths.


The platform is broken down and organized into the following sections, with new and updated content added weekly.


Our ‘Start Here’ section aims to cover the fundamentals of architecture from both an educational and professional point of view, and provides a general introduction into the subject, and life as a student and professional.

Here, we cover topics such as how to choose the best architecture school for you and the ultimate guide to starting architecture school, through to a study into the definition and meaning of architecture and the various key professional bodies that regulate it.


The studio guide is our primary resource, and the information contained within it forms the foundations of the Archisoup platform. This platform provides an architectural study aid to both students and young architects, that offer’s tutorials, tips and guides for everyday architectural and project activities.

Based on our own experiences of the architectural education process and school environment, we share industry and personal knowledge to provide a constantly evolving library of information. We cover topics such as how to choose the right architectural software, through to how to successfully create an architecture portfolio. We provide detailed answers to the most common architectural school and studio questions.

Alongside this, we offer shorter studio resources such as understanding architectural scales, brick dimensions, and bonds.


The architect’s toolbox must include both physical and mental elements, and be in constant update whether it is through technological or informational resources.

In this section, we feature and recommend the useful assets and tools that assist us in our learning and day to day lives as young and aspiring architects, aiming to make the architectural learning curve a little bit easier.

In constant update and review, we feature equipment lists such as 31 Essential Tools for Architecture Students and The Best Books on Architectural Design & Concepts through to detailed guides on how to choose the best computer.


Architecture is the very fabric that clads our society; however the men and women behind many of these creations often go unknown, and only once in a while will one of these creators stand out as a true master of their craft. 

In this section, we have created an ever-growing architectural database of famous and inspiring architects, and through the documentation of their lives and careers, we invite you to learn from the world’s best designers.


In continual development and growth, our shop provides bespoke informational products and resources for general architectural use. Our aim is to cover each part of the creative process from a project’s inception through to its completion.


You can find us on all the main social media platforms, however as architects we are visual people and so we tend to focus our efforts on Instagram and Pinterest, where you’ll find daily updates and architectural inspiration.


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