Design:ED Podcast

Design:ED is an architecture podcast that gives "an inside look into the field of architecture told from the perspective of individuals that are leading the industry."


Design:ED Podcast

The path to becoming an architect can seem daunting and unclear for young architects trying to navigate their careers. So many variables make it seem as if your decisions now will dictate your entire future within the field. Which school should I attend? Should I pursue my architectural license? How do I go about starting a successful architecture firm? These questions are common among young architects, and while you can try to piece together some answers yourself, it can still seem overwhelming.

The Design:ED Podcast is a one stop shop to provide valuable, unmatched, insight into the field of architecture told by those you have lived it. By hearing the honest truth about the highs and lows of the industry through personal experiences provides a path for young architects on how to navigate their own careers based off of professional keys to success as well as how to avoid common pitfalls. The long-form podcast format provides additional insight into the personalities of these industry leaders to provide a personal perspective, outside of their portfolio, that set them apart from their peers.

Thus far the podcast has featured some of the nation’s leading architects and their personal stories such as Matt Fajkus, and Ted Flato of Lake Flato Architects. As well as, former business partner to Charles Moore, Arthur Andersson, with many more still to come. Each guest provides a unique account of the design industry that will prove to be valuable to individuals at all levels of the industry.

Along with the Design:ED Podcast, the designed.podcast Instagram features student work from all over the country to further provide inspiration while in the studio. By listening to the podcast and seeing other students work, new architects it will be motivated to launch their careers to the next level.

To have your work featured or if you’re interested in being a guest on the podcast please email or reach out on Instagram @designed.podcast

Listen to Design:ED on iTunes or Google Play .

Aaron Prinz is currently an M.Arch candidate at the University of Texas at Austin. He was raised in the rural town of Red Bluff, California, and moved to San Francisco to pursue a career in stand-up comedy. At the age of twenty-six, Prinz began studying architecture at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon where he graduated Cum Laude while also interning at Studio Petretti Architecture. Prinz currently resides in Austin, Texas.

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