NYIT SoAD Design Venice Biennale Installation "Informed Interscalar Fluidity”

The architecture of the installation proposes cultural projects that engage with histories and theories of the discipline, from illusionistic perspective to universal computation. In this experimental studio, computational design was extended to robotic fabrication and interactivity, working through diverse computational technologies through non-linear feedback the physical actualizations, expanding dimensions between digital programming and physical actualizations.


NYIT SoAD Design Venice Biennale Installation "Informed Interscalar Fluidity”

NYIT SoAD Venice Biennale Installation
ARCH 502 THESIS STUDIO “Informed Interscalar Fluidity”
Assoc. Prof. Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa @pablo.lorenzo_eiroa, NYIT SoAD with 
STUDENTS: Andres Carcamo, Brianna Lopez, Peter Leonardi, Alex Pannichela, Ari Begun, Yemi Oluwayemi Oyewole, Karina Pena, Isaiah Miller, Ben Sather


The thesis studio is working on a full-scale interactive architecture installation for the “Time-Space-Existence” exhibition at the 2021 Venice Biennale curated by the Global Arts Foundation and the European Cultural Centre, to be hosted at Palazzo Bembo, Venice, Italy. The School of Architecture and Design at New York Institute of Technology is participating with an exhibition and installation entitled “Inter-scalar Fluidity” co-curated by Associate Professors Marcella Del Signore @marcelladelsi and Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa @pablo.lorenzo_eiroa.The exhibition and installation supported by Dean Maria R. Perbellini contribute to the Dean’s development of progressive design thinking and cross-disciplinary computational technologies and is made possible by the S-Lab Grant funding. This is an experimental Thesis studio focused on analyzing, displacing, and designing computational technologies as a pilot studio for the upcoming Master of Science in Architecture Computational Technologies co-developed by Dean Maria Perbellini, Associate Professor Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa, who will be its director, and Professor Tom Verebes. The architecture of the installation proposes cultural projects that engage with histories and theories of the discipline, from illusionistic perspective to universal computation. In this experimental studio, computational design was extended to robotic fabrication and interactivity, working through diverse computational technologies through non-linear feedback the physical actualizations, expanding dimensions between digital programming and physical actualizations. The studio extended computational design to include robotic automated simulations, robotic fabrication, and robotic interactivity in a fully immersive interactive space-environment.

Installation Credits: Associate Professor Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa with NYIT SoAD Thesis Students: Benjamin Sather, Brianna Lopez, Andres Carcamo, Alexandra Panichella, Isaiah Miller, Ari Begun, Oluwayemi Oyewole, Karina Pena, Peter Leonardi. 

Exhibition Credits: Associate Professor Marcella Del Signore and Visiting Professor Sergio Elizondo with NYIT SoAD Thesis Students: Bersibeth Pfel, Chenfei Cao, Stefan Eitnier, Harold Ramirez, Jairo Aguilar, Jimi Adeseun, Robert Nafie, Devora Schwartz, Zhuan Liang. Exhibition and Installation are supported by Dean Maria R. Perbellini and contribute to the Dean’s development of progressive design thinking and cross-disciplinary computational technologies. 

To learn more about the New York Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Design, visit their profile page or follow them on Instagram, @NYIT Architecture.


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